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Looking Back
Last Updated: October 09, 2014

50 years ago

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blackmore of Woodward, Okla., announce the birth of a 6-pound, 8-ounce daughter, Dee Ann, on Oct. 5 at the Woodward hospital. They have two other children, Mike, 6, and Christy, 4. Mrs. Blackmore is the former Cara Lou Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fitzgerald, Valley Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Diefenbach were dinner guests of the Marvin Porters recently to honor Mildred on her birthday.

45 years ago

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Boyer, Valley Center, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Sept. 21 by having dinner at the Golden Chance Saloon as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore. Afterwards, the group went to the Western Swinger. William A. Boyer of Norwood, Mo., and Sylvia J. Schlicher of Wichita were married at Ashley Church in Macomb, Mo., Sept. 17, 1944. They have three children, Stephen and Sue of the home, and Barbara Byers. They also have three grandchildren.

Jill Nucholls celebrated her 12th birthday with a slumber party at her home. Guests were Shari Schroeder, Gaye Nicholson, Judy Marks, Cindi Thompson and Lucy Robbins. The group enjoyed dinner at Taco Pete in Wichita, and later took in the Valley Center-Maize football game. Afterwards they returned to the Nuckolls home where they enjoyed chocolate cake with white frosting, decorated with the characters from the "Peanuts" comic strip.

40 years ago

Mr. and Mrs. Jim S. Vogt, Valley Center, announced the birth of a 4-pound, 10-ounce son, Matthew Jason, on Sept. 22 at 4:42 p.m. at the Osteopathic Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Wiechmann, Wichita, and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Vogt, Valley Center. Mrs. Vogt is the former Aleta Wiechman.

Randy and Janice Clark Moscow, Kan., announced the birth of their second child, a boy, on Oct. 6, 1974, at the Southwest Medical Center, Liberal. He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and measured 20 inches and has been named Brian Laurence. He has one brother, Peter Alan, 3 years old. Maternal grandparents are Amos and Ada Dahlsten, Marquette. Paternal grandparents are Bill and Maxine Clark, Valley Center. The maternal great-grandfather is O.E. Danielson, Lindsborg. The paternal great-grandparents include Elsie Roxbury. Randy is a teacher-coach in the Moscow school system.

35 years ago

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shank, Deb and Jeff of Summit Cove, Colo., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hobson, Brent and Michael the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Frosty Tegethoff and Mindy of Hutchinson were Sunday afternoon callers of the Hobsons, and Pete Hobson, Brad and Brett of Hays visited the Hobson home Saturday evening and Sunday.

Michelle Denise Haynes and Douglas L. Ballard Jr. exchanged wedding vows Sept. 28. Rev. Bill Boyle officiated at the wedding in Mt. Olive Christian Church. Parents of the bride are Mrs. Bonnie Pratt, Valley Center, and Robert L. Halberg, Derby. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Ballard, Wichita, are parents of the groom. The couple will reside in Wichita. The bride is employed by Associated Druggist, the groom is an estimator for Kendall mechanical contractors.

30 years ago

Rusty Robetorye has been awarded a renewable $500 scholarship to Kansas State University as a 1982 Kansas State Scholar. Robetorye has completed two years of service in the Army and is enrolled in electrical engineering at KSU.

Lucy Robbins and Jerry Burtnett returned Tuesday evening from a three-week trip to Europe. They visited Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Luxembourg and France. They visited her grandparents, Ludvig and Karolina Fleishchmann, in Passau, Germany.

25 years ago

Larry and Teri Hernandez of Salina announce the birth of a son, Ty, on Sept. 20. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was 20 ½ inches long. He has two sisters, Laresa and Elisia, and three brothers, Trey, Charles and Cole. Grandparents are Charles and Lorna Stover and Lawrence and Isabella Hernandez, all of Valley Center.

Sonya and Mike Busby, Wichita, announce the birth of their son, Jacob Michael, on Oct. 3. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19 ¾ inches long. Grandparents are James and Fanny Moore and Erma and Ray Busby, all of Wichita.

20 years ago

Carolyn Mason, daughter of Joe and Ruth Wilson, has accompanied a medical team to Iraq, where she and other medical personnel are expected to perform more than 400 cataract surgeries. She will return Oct. 15.

Opal Barton was honored at a reception Saturday for her 94th birthday. The event was held at the Park City Senior Center.

15 years ago

Deborah VonAchen of Valley Center graduated with an MLS degree at the end of the summer session at Emporia State University.

Kenneth "Spec" and Marcelyn Harris will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception Oct. 23 at First United Methodist Church, Valley Center. Their children and grandchildren will host the celebration. Kenneth Harris and Marcelyn Miles were married Oct. 23, 1949, in Valley Center. He was co-owner and manager of A-One Concrete for 23 years, and commercial salesperson for Walt Keeler Co. for 15 years. She is a homemaker. They have three sons: Scott Harris of Speedway, Ind.; Joe Harris of Mission Viejo, Calif., and Tom Harris of Valley Center, and five grandchildren and one step-grandchild.

10 years ago

Abby Honomichl of Olathe and Brian Haight of Gardner announce their engagement and approaching marriage. The bride-elect is the daughter of Ginny and Steve Honomichl of Baldwin City. The prospective groom is the son of Jody Marvin of Valley Center and Mark Haight of Chanute. The couple plans an April 23, 2005, wedding.

Rebecca Ann Gregory of Wichita and Craig Alan Melvin of Bel Aire announce their engagement and approaching marriage. The bride-elect is the daughter of Pat Gregory of Wichita and the late Lovell Gregory. The prospective groom is the son of Kathy and Paul Melvin of Bel Aire. The couple plans a fall wedding.

5 years ago

Mitch and Lynn Clevenger celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Oct. 6 with an Alaskan cruise in September. Mitch and Lynn were married Oct. 6, 1984. Together they run their own business, Bike-Wurkz, where Mitch works full time and Lynn works part time. She also works full time at Prairie Fire. They have one daughter, Tara, who is currently working on a nursing degree at Wichita State University.

Billie Wallace Bennett of Valley Center celebrated her 75th birthday on Oct. 5. Her husband, Sonny, treated her to a steak dinner at Cy's in Sedgwick.

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