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The View from Sunflower Gardens
By Marilyn Bentley
Last Updated: February 01, 2018

‘Where in the world but Kansas?'

It's February, with some cold but no snow right now, and friendly folks gather for Monday coffee chat.

"Henry Ford was a wise old man. He put four wheels on an old tin can, a spark plug and a radiator cap, and the new thing ran. What do you think of that?" — Anonymous

We like our Monday coffee chats, Tuesday Bible study, game nights, music sing-alongs, potluck dinners, our library, our friends doing jigsaw puzzles.

Welcome, welcome to all new residents.

Remember to pray for our troops and their families, our Congress and president.

We like the new books in our library.

"We may get ice and snow with glory days for football stars and heavy snow may bury cars." — Anonymous

Jan. 29 was Kansas Day. Kansas joined the nation in 1861 as a free state.

Verse of the week: "I will praise the Lord at all times. His praise is always in my mouth." (Psalms 34:1)

Bill Post wrote a good summary of what makes us Kansas proud:

"Where in the world is the sky more blue? Where is there a friend more true? Where could there be more rolling plains? Where will you see more golden grain? Where in the world is the land more free? Where could a place be more dear to me? Where are the loved ones I long to see? Where in the world but Kansas.

"Where are the famous trails? Where will you find more wild west tales? Where could there be more stories true? Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok, too? Where did pioneers show their power? In spite of pain, drought or shower? Where lies the great D.D. "Ike" Eisenhower? Where in the world but Kansas."

Samuel Smith wrote the words of "America" in 1832 with music of "God Save the King." It was first sung July 4, 1832, in Boston.

"My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died. Land of the pilgrims' pride. From every mountainside, let freedom ring."

Thank you to librarians of Valley Center who gave us a change of books to read here.

Happy birthday to all residents born in January.

Get well soon to all in flu season.

Lori McKenna wrote the lyrics to a folk song.

"Hold the door, say please and thank you. Don't seal, don't cheat, and don't lie. I know you got mountains to climb, but always stay humble and kind. Let the summer sun shine, but always stay humble and kind."

These are good words to put into action.

February is a good time to enjoy reading book and poetry.

In Kansas, we are Kansas Proud. Of our airplane builders, wheat farmers, cattle ranches, shopping malls, our churches, schools, and colleges and sports teams — and Kansas kids.

"Be kind, anyway." — Mother Teresa

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