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The View from Sunflower Gardens
By Marilyn Bentley
Last Updated: July 29, 2015

Fox would be good Kansas symbol

The symbol of the eagle is the emblem of the U.S.A. Though for Kansas, the fox or a coyote or hawk would be a good symbol. All these animals are always on the alert. As a symbol of excellence, the eagle soars with grace above the cares of the world.

Remember: "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here." — "Desiderata."

In new highways and new housing, these show the Kansas and state's progress as well as new jobs.

We still are reading all the area newspaper and recycling them. Folks here, through TV news and daily newspapers, and coffee chat days, know what's going on in our world.

Keep all our troops and their families in your prayers, also for our farmers and school kids on vacation and for safety of travelers.

Thanks to friends who share garden goodies with our residents.

"Men and boys flying kites can haul in their high-flying birds, but you can't do that when you are flying words. So be careful that what you say is kind, true and necessary." — Anonymous.

"Words have power to hurt or heal." — Anonymous.

Some comments are funny but true: A Kansas cowboy said: "Our budget is lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut." Colorful.

Verse of the week: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father except by me." (John 14:6)

Family ties: They gently teach us how to give and how to care and how to share. They reach us anytime and anywhere.

Many a day at the mailbox we find a letter from a family member. We like phone calls, too. Many here have joined the pill brigade, and we support a local pharmacist.

It's nearly August and still vacation time with hot days, but with some planning for school days to begin again.

Remember when "Enter" was a sign on a door and not a button on a computer?

Soon it will be time for county fairs, and September brings the Kansas State Fair. Enjoy.

We have a good library at Sunflower. Readers like various categories. This opens minds and eyes to the fun of reading and the great facts of history and humor. But their lives made a difference in our lives. May we do a bit of making a difference.

Kansas used to be a place where the buffalo roamed and though it still is, it's now people who roam our highways and roads.

Bison can be found at Maxwell Game Preserve in McPherson County, in Clark County, and in Finney County Game Refuge.

"Try to find the sunny side of life. When rain clouds come helter-skelter, we must run for shelter ‘til the clouds roll by." — Jerome Kern.

Remember: "Be kind, anyway." — Mother Teresa.

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